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The Next Generation Retirement Plan Strategy

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Opti(k) is a next generation retirement plan strategy that was born from a collaboration of Commonwealth Financial Network advisors. It is optimized to meet the retirement planning needs for your business.

Less Work

Less Risk


Gives you more time to focus on your business

Provides more time for your advisors to focus on educating and helping your employees

Business Meeting

What we are always hearing from our clients...

  • I spend too much time on the 401(k)

  • I'm not a 401(k) expert

  • What notices am I supposed to send out and when?

  • I'm afraid that I'm going to make a costly mistake

  • This is too much and keeps me from more important work

  • I have no idea what a good 401(k) investment menu looks like

  • Do we have the right number and types of investment funds?

  • What's my liability if an employee doesn't like a fund?

  • I don't know if our fees are high or low

  • How do our plan fees stack up?

The Opti(k) Team

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Empower retirement is one of the largest 401(k) record keepers in the industry, managing over 38,000 plans with over 9 million plan participants. They are a leader in innovative participant technology.

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Pentengra is an expert retirement plan administration firm with a 75 year history serving retirement plan sponsors. They are an industry leader in 3(16) outsourced plan administration.

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Wealth Planning Resources has over 25 years of experience advising retirement plan sponsors and their participants. They specialize in fiduciary investment services and impactful employee education and advice.

Opti(k) Advantage #1

Reducing your day-to-day workload.

Before Opti(k)

  1. Distribution of plan notices, Summary Plan Description (SPD), Summary Annual Report (SAR), fee disclosures

  2. Plan testing and compliance

  3. Form 5500 approval and filing

  4. Loans and distributions

  5. Small balance cash outs

  6. Eligibility determination

  7. Enrolling new participants

  8. Plus more than 40 potential plan responsibilities not listed above


With Opti(k)

With Pentegra as your 3(16) plan administrator, you have only 3 ongoing responsibilities:​

  1. Provide accurate payroll and census data

  2. Make timely plan contributions

  3. Monitor your service providers

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Opti(k) Advantage #2

Minimize Your Ongoing Investment Responsibilities

Before Opti(k)

  1. You serve as a fiduciary on your plan investment menu

  2. You provide ongoing input and take on the liability related to the investment monitoring and fund replacement process

  3. You may feel unqualified to make important investment decisions for your plan

  4. Your investment responsibilities involve a time commitment and increased risk


With Opti(k)

Wealth Planning Resources (WPR) and Commonwealth Financial Network, serving as your 3(38) investment manager, take over the full responsibility and liability for the selection, monitoring, or replacement of your plan's investment funds.

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Opti(k) Advantage #3

Group Pricing Benefits

Before Opti(k)

  • Your plan could be individually priced on a stand-alone basis

  • You may not have pricing power or leverage to lower your plan fees

  • You are concerned your fees may be higher than they could or should be


With Opti(k)

  • We have negotiated pricing with Empower and Pentegra

  • Aggregating many plans under one program provides pricing scale

  • The Opti(k) investment menu uses both low-cost index funds and institutional share classes

  • Your plan design remains unique and flexible

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Ready to Get Started?

Interested in learning more about Opti(k) and how it can tranform your business's approach to retirement planning. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started.

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